Tailored Strategies, High-Quality Leads, and Effortless Growth for Contractors.

What We Offer:

☑ Tailored Strategies to Fuel Growth 

☑ Consistent Stream of High-Quality Leads 

☑ User-Friendly CRM and Automated Follow-Up

What Sets Us Apart:

✘ No More Price Shoppers – Attract Clients Who Value Your Services

✘ No Empty Promises – Experience Results or You Don’t Pay

Offer Statement: Risk-Free Guarantee: 30 Appointments in 90 Days or You Don’t Pay.

The Renovation Revenue Accelerator

We guarantee a minimum of 30 appointments booked in the next 90 days. If we can’t deliver, you don’t pay us. It’s that simple.

Tailored Strategy Sessions

Collaborate with our team in personalized strategy sessions designed exclusively for contractors. We understand the challenges and goals unique to your industry. Together, we’ll explore compelling offers tailored to resonate with homeowners and/or businesses in your niche.

High-Quality Lead Generation

Scale your Service Based Business with our expertly crafted Facebook ad campaigns. Our team specializes in targeting your ideal audience, ensuring your message reaches the right homeowners. These high-impact campaigns generate a consistent flow of high-quality leads directly to your business, creating opportunities for steady growth and increased revenue.

Automated Follow-up & Streamlined CRM Integration

Our automated follow-up systems are designed to engage and convert leads. As Contractors, your time is precious, and we’ll make sure it’s spent where it matters most. Our user-friendly CRM system seamlessly integrates into your workflow, simplifying lead management and providing invaluable insights for better decision-making.

Have questions?

We do not take your consideration to do business with us lightly.
Please reach out with any questions.

Why Us

At Red2Black, we’re not just another marketing agency; we’re your partners in success. With firsthand experience building two thriving construction companies, we’ve conquered the same challenges you face daily. Count on us to take your contractor business to new heights with strategies that truly work. Here’s why you should join forces with us:

Experience That Speaks Your Language: Our team speaks the language of contractors because we’ve lived it. Say goodbye to generic marketing approaches; our strategies are tailor-made for your industry, empowering you to break free from feast-to-famine work cycles and attract high-quality leads that convert.

  • Results That Speak Louder Than Words: Trust matters, and we earn it through action. Our risk-free guarantee ensures you get what you pay for – 30 appointments booked in 90 days, or it’s on us. We don’t just promise growth; we deliver it, leaving you with peace of mind and the confidence to take your business to the next level.

  • Personalized Attention, Proven Solutions: Your business is unique, and we treat it that way. Our tailored strategy sessions dive deep into your goals and challenges. Together, we craft compelling offers that resonate with homeowners and leave tire kickers behind. With us, you’ll stand out in the market, driving unstoppable growth.

  • Unbeatable Value for Your Growth: We know capital is precious, and every dollar counts. That’s why we’ve made our services affordable, ensuring you get top-notch marketing without compromise. Invest in your future and enjoy a marketing partner that values your success as much as you do.

Testimonials from Contractors Like You